“ Yes, I have created a Facebook page, can I launch my business now? ”

Hold on a minute! Have you set up your Facebook Shop yet? Many merchants believe that everything is ready after creating a Facebook page. In fact, you are missing out on an important function provided by Facebook–creating your own Facebook Shop!

Somehow, you might have seen this part of your Facebook page (in the picture below).  Your shop tab can be pinned to the top of your Facebook page. Once customers enter your page, they can browse your products immediately be it on phones or computers. Without going through complicated processes of organising, your products can be well-presented on your page. The clear interface of your Facebook Shop can also intrigue your customers to discover more.

You’d probably be wondering— what are the uses of this Facebook Shop? Isn’t it enough to have just the Facebook page and an online store? Having a Facebook page allows you to write a post about product details with product picture, however, the problem that you will have to face, would be having the need to type it every time when you want to introduce the products. It might not be a big deal if you’ve just started your business. But once your business gets big and booming, oh, don’t you go crying. When there are promotional events like products on sale, you may have to adjust the selling price. It would be troublesome for you to go through all the posts to make changes.

But if you have a Facebook Shop, you can clearly present all your products. Even when your store are having promotional events, you can still find and organize your products easily as well as creating ads. Just like Canteenhk, they’ve separated the products into two zones, one as “Phone Case” while another one as “Customisation”.

Although Facebook does not support payment right now, you can still upload your products to Facebook Catalogue and mark/tag  the prices. Through providing products details in the catalogue, you can tag the products in the posts and guide the customers to click the posts for more. They need not open a new browser to enter your online store. Instead, they can browse all the products at a glance by clicking into your Facebook Shop.

For Business PLUS and business merchants, the instant setup of Facebook Shop is available now: http://bit.ly/2K7ALdA

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